The Guide to the Progressive Control Pathway (PCP) for Foot and Mouth Disease EuFMD FAST 6:22 12 years ago 890 Далее Скачать
A presentation about MPI's foot-and-mouth disease training in Nepal Ministry for Primary Industries 16:08 10 years ago 1 992 Далее Скачать
The European Commission for the control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) EuFMD FAST 2:21 15 years ago 3 429 Далее Скачать
The Progressive Control Pathway for TADs Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 0:52 6 years ago 525 Далее Скачать
J. Lubroth (FAO) on FMD Progressive Control in South Asia EuFMD FAST 3:00 12 years ago 176 Далее Скачать
Prof David Paton on regional control challenges for Foot-and-Mouth disease. EuFMD FAST 10:19 5 years ago 189 Далее Скачать
Lifecycle of foot-and-mouth disease virus The Pirbright Institute 1:31 8 years ago 41 275 Далее Скачать
Elisa Simone talks about the Progressive Control Practitioner Network EuFMD FAST 7:36 6 years ago 43 Далее Скачать
The importance of a step-wise approach in controlling TADs EuFMD FAST 8:00 5 years ago 159 Далее Скачать